Sunday, 5 February 2012

Infant ear infections

CranioSacral therapy (CST) can help children overcome ear infections by improving Eustachian tube (ET) shape.
In children under 6 years old the ET is less angled that an adults and it is harder for fluids to drain through it from the middle ear. The resulting congestion can then cause infections in the ear.
If the shape of the ET is compromised in any way by the surrounding bones such as the Temporal, Sphenoid and Occiput or muscles that attach to the soft palate and the upper throat then CST is invaluable in realigning these areas and improving the drainage in the ET.
The ET is also minutely stretched and squeezed by the CranioSacral rhythm which helps to free the ET of restrictions and to pump the fluids through.
CST sessions for children are 30 minutes long and can be undertaken either lying down or sitting up which ever is more comfortable for the child. Parents are always required to be present.