Friday, 1 February 2013

Craniosacral Therapy and a visit to the dentist.

You are sitting in the dentist's chair after having had an x-ray. Your hands are a bit sweaty with anxiety about what is to come and what you have experienced on previous visits. Your jaw is wide open for a bit too long so it starts to ache and you are trying to swallow and move your tongue without getting in the dentist's way. Then the injection in your gum to numb, the sound of the drill starts and your teeth are pushed and pulled and plugged and sanded. Then finally you can rinse out your mouth and go home numb mouthed and trembling.

The good side is the pain has gone and your teeth look great which gives you that extra bit of self confidence.

But what of the residue of that treatment? There is the general anxiety which hopefully has dispersed but what of the trauma experienced by the teeth and gum and jaw? This is where Craniosacral Therapy CST can be very helpful.

We have techniques that can identify any emotional residue in the teeth, gum and jaw and facilitate its release. We can rebalance and realign the TMJ, the maxilla and the muscles holding the jaw. Then we can help relax the mastoids, the cranial base and the neck to remove any residual strain. And then finally we can check on the Reticular Alarm System RAS to ensure complete relaxation.

So at the end of the day a visit to the dentist is only a positive experience thanks to CST.