Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Craniosacral Society AGM and workshop weekend

What better value for money than your membership fee subsidising a weekend of workshops in London! So that in mind and not one to miss a bargin I headed up to Covent Garden for the Craniosacral Society AGM and workshop weekend.

Situated in comfortable rooms near the Masonic centre members were invited to participate in hands on workshops and network work over numerous cups of tea and sandwiches.

The workshops covered using multihands in a treatment; working with the Significant Detector to feel which words were important for the client to work on; being more considered with our dialoguing techniques so we don't talk too much; and working directly with the Immune System, cells and all.

So after a weekend of working on colleagues and being worked on and communally investigating the vast and deep implications of the work that Dr John Upledger left for us, I feel furthered inspired to be present for anyone that can use this wonderful work.