Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Do you want to know your reason for being alive?

Jill Windmill
Have you ever wondered why you are here on earth? Have you ever wanted to know where to focus all your energy? Have you ever wandered how you can best help this world?

You may have asked yourself these questions or others that are equally large and profound. But do you have an answer?

I have been working with CranioSacral Imagery and Dialogue techniques to address these questions for my clients.

We may not know or even want to know the big ultimate reason for being alive but wouldn't it be helpful to know what we can be doing to get a step closer in the right direction. What can I do in the next week/month/year to move closer towards my purpose or focus or reason for being?

When people come to me with a serious desire to know what to do next I invite them to ask themselves what their big question is such as "How best can I help this world?" and then become aware of where in their body they are feeling this question.

Then using Imagery and Dialogue techniques we focus on this area of the body and see what it requires. It could be there is a blockage to communication or the area is a portal through which the subconscious wishes to communicate with the conscious mind. We work towards allowing the area to feel in harmony and at peace.

It is at that point when the more immediate question can be asked. "What do I have to do in the next week/month/year to move towards that big question?" This is when the understanding of how to move forward is revealed and honed to provide a comprehensive to do list for you to practice over that period.

It is of course up to you to follow that list and return when the period is up to find out what is needed next but I am sure the joy in your heart that comes from following your path will help you in your endeavors.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Turn bad days into good days.


Do you have days when your mind just goes around and around with incessant chatter. When you have a pain in your body and you just feel low in spirit?

There are three things you can do on a regular basis that will limit the number of days you feel like that.
  • Meditate
  • Practice Tai Chi, yoga or Qi Gong
  • Chanting
Sitting and meditating helps quieten the mind so you can think and feel more clearly.
Practicing Tai Chi, yoga or Qi Gong helps the body to open up so it can function more efficiently and it enables you to sit and meditate without getting pains in your body.  Concentrating on the moves also helps still the chatter in the mind.
Chanting helps you to breath more fully and the movement of the diaphragm helps to massage the other organs to keep them healthy. It also focuses your mind to help quieten it down.

If you are in the Brighton area why not try:
  • Brighton Buddhist Centre for meditation
  • for Tai Chi classes
  • for chanting practice
Have fun and feel better.