Thursday 11 August 2011

Just the tip of the iceberg.

The South Downs

The pain is in your knee and you can't remember what you did to cause it but its painful when put weight on it or bend or sit for too long.

Is it just the knee thats the problem? Does the body work in isolated compartments? I think we all realise that is not the case.

The cause of your knee problem could be traced back up the leg either through the groin or the psoas muscle and into the pelvic girdle where the sacroiliac joint could be tight or there is inelastic scar tissue in the pelvis or it could be tight in the back muscles that are pulling the pelvis and that leads up to the spinal vertebrae mid back whose nerves are associated with the stomach!

So there are quite a few physical possibilites for a painful knee but what if the tissue around the knee has been storing the memory of an event that took place in your life that you have not fully come to terms with and it envolved the knee area. For example you tripped over a mat and fell onto your knee with all your weight but at the time you were having an argument with your then husband and you were feeling threatened and vulnerable. This might have happened twenty years ago but now the knee is painful for no apparent reason. It could be that the tissue has stopped compensating for that unresolved memory and the pain is there to get our awareness to do something about it.

So whether the pain in your knee is physical or emotional Upledger Craniosacral therapy has the tools to help your body resolve those issues.

Worth a try?

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