Sunday, 10 November 2013

Holistic Companionship to the Dying

I wanted to tell you about a wonderful group of people called the Soul Midwives.

Established and trained by Felicity Warner, the Soul Midwives work with people that have recently been diagnosed with terminal illnesses or are in Hospices to support them on their journey to the end of their lives.

Much like the stages of birthing so there are stages of dying. Both of which are stressful and fearful if you don't know what to expect. But with an experienced midwife and a plan of action a lot of fear can be taken away and a sense of control over the inevitable established.

I spent a fascinating day at one of Felicity's workshops organised by Alternatives in London.

She explained about the four stages of dying and how a Soul Midwife can be there to support each of these stages. She also made us consider what sort of death we would like. This is not a normal topic of conversation and most people would shy away from it but she held the space wonderfully so we could consider that final of moments.

She gave us a list of questions to answer and suggested we pin the answers on the fridge so all the family would know what we want and to encourage a conversation that no one likes to have.

These are the questions. Have a go at answering them!

My Last Wishes

.This is where I would like to be

.This is who I would like to have with me

.This is who I would not like to have with me

.This is what soothes me when I am anxious or in pain

.This is the music that makes me feel calm and strong

.This is the poem or saying that gives me strength

.This is how I imagine the most perfect passing for myself


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