Wednesday, 1 January 2014

What the Festive Session can do to you.

The first day of 2014 and the festive session is almost over.

How are you feeling?

You may have succeeded in eating too much; not exercised enough; continuously drunk; and been emotionally pulled every which way by family and friends. That's quite some beating for your body and soul.

Craniosacral therapy(CST) can help you step into the new year revitalised and rejuvenated.

Your Chakra energy centres may be depleted and unbalanced and unaligned from all your indulgences and emotional turmoil. A CST therapist is experienced in rebalancing and aligning the chakras centres. They can also help to unblock the prana flow in your Meridians and realign your proprioception Vectors to improve your balance.

If you need to help yourself meanwhile I would suggest a Jin Shin Jyutsu balance.

  • Place your right hand on the top of your head and leave it there.
  • Place your left hand on the following parts of your body, leaving it there until you feel a flow of energy between your hands.
  1. Centre of your eyebrows
  2. The tip of your nose
  3. The centre of your sternum
  4. The base of your sternum
  5. The pubic bone
  • Keep your left hand on your pubic bone and move your right hand from your head to your coccyx. Feel the flow of energy between your hands.
You should now feel energised and balanced.
I find this technique is best done lying down to support the arms.

Enjoy being balanced!

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